Data Science Team Collaborates with Microsoft Research | IQSS

data_society's bookmarks 2014-01-28


"Microsoft Research has awarded a gift for $100,000, and an Azure Research Award towards Data Science at IQSS. The gift--accepted by Mercè Crosas, IQSS Director of Data Science--is directed toward extending the Dataverse Network (DVN) project, an open-source IQSS application for sharing and analyzing research data. Crosas explains that as part of the expansion of DVN to work with Microsoft Research solutions, an instance of the Dataverse will be made available through the Azure Vmdepot, so that academic institutions or research organizations can quickly evaluate whether the Dataverse Network software application is a good solution for them as their own research data repository. Another output of this collaboration will be to extend the data, deposit, and search APIs in the Dataverse to allow it to integrate with data deposit and exploration tools from Microsoft Research. This could include DataUp, a tool to upload excel data files, extract metadata and facilitate curation, making them well-structured data files with richer metadata. The main focus of the Data Science team at IQSS is to produce research software projects that are extensible, scalable, and reusable across disciplines and throughout their research cycle. Each product is initiated as a small IQSS internal research project, and eventually the Data Science team converts it into a production-ready (often open-source) software application that can be used by all researchers. Microsoft Research promotes similar goals, as it works closely with research groups in a variety of fields, including academia, to help support software projects that can be used extensively among researchers and have an impact on how their work is done ..."


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Date tagged:

01/28/2014, 22:20

Date published:

01/29/2014, 04:37