Bruce Schneier: Data and Goliath Is Finished
Data & Society / saved 2014-10-07
Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World is finished. I submitted it to my publisher, Norton, this morning. In a few weeks, I'll get the copyedited manuscript back, and a few weeks after that, it'll go into production. Stacks of printed books will come out the other end in February, and the book will be published on March 9. There's already an Amazon page, but it's still pretty preliminary. And I expect the price to go down.
Books are both a meandering and clarifying process for me, and I figure out what I'm writing about as I write about it. Data and Goliath started out being about security and power in cyberspace, and ended up being about digital surveillance and what to do about it.
This is the table of contents:
Fundamentally, the issues surrounding mass surveillance are tensions group interest vs. self-interest, a topic I covered in depth in Liars and Outliers. We're promised great benefits if we allow all of our data to be collected in one place; at the same time, it can be incredibly personal. I see this tension playing out in many areas: location data, social graphs, medical data, search histories. Figuring out the proper balances between group and self-interests, and ensuring that those balances are maintained, is the fundamental issue of the information age. It's how we are going to be judged by our descendents fifty years from now.
Anyway, the book is done and at the publisher. I'm happy with it; the manuscript is so tight you can bounce a quarter off of it. This is a complicated topic, and I think I distilled it down into 80,000 words that are both understandable by the lay reader and interesting to the policy wonk or technical geek. It's also an important topic, and I hope the book becomes a flash point for discussion and debate.
But that's not for another five months. You might think that's a long time, but in publishing that's incredibly fast. I convinced Norton to go with this schedule by stressing that the book becomes less timely every second it's not published. (An exaggeration, I know, but they bought it.) Now I just hope that nothing major happens between now and then to render the book obsolete.
For now, I want to get back to writing shorter pieces. Writing a book can be all-consuming, and I generally don't have time for anything else. Look at my essays. Last year, I wrote 59 essays. This year so far: 17. That's an effect of writing the book. Now that it's done, expect more essays on news websites and longer posts on this blog. It'll be good to be thinking about something else for a change.
If anyone works for a publication, and wants to write a review, conduct an interview, publish an excerpt, or otherwise help me get the word out about the book, please e-mail me and I will pass you on to Norton's publicity department. I think this book has a real chance of breaking out of my normal security market.