Big Data Review in Emoji

Data & Society / saved 2014-05-04


I'm on the board of , a great non-profit focused on technology and art. We do an event every year called Seven on Seven where we pair seven technologists with seven artists. Saturday was the fifth anniversary of the event, and this year one of the teams paired NYT writer and author Nick Bilton with artist Simon Denny . Around 5pm on Friday, I got an email from Nick offering to pay me $5 for an emoji version of the White House's report on Big Data: The entire report is 85 pages , but they asked for a summary of page 55, a chart showing how federal dollars are being spent on privacy and data research: Here's what I came up with (click for a larger version): I'm particularly proud of my emoji-fication of homomorphic encryption : I highly recommend watching the whole event, but Nick and Simon's presentation of the other reports they solicited begins around at the 3 hours and 25 minute mark of the live stream: Nick, I know you said you'd pay cash, but I'd really prefer to accept the $5 in DOGE . Please send 10,526.32 DOGE to DKQJsavxSdF381Mn3qZpyehsBzCX3QXzA2 . Thanks!


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Date tagged:

05/04/2014, 21:21

Date published:

05/04/2014, 17:21