Copyright and Licensing – Part 2 | News Service
greboun's bookmarks 2015-06-04
Two weeks ago, I published Part 1 in our copyright and licensing series. Here is Part 2, a guest post by our Editor-in-Chief, Tom Olijhoek.
The first part of the post covers 9 different scenarios that have different copyright and licensing conditions. Each scenario illustrates the most common set of conditions that we see for an author’s published work. Each scenario is followed by the two questions from the Copyright and Permissions section of the DOAJ Application form, illustrating how those questions should be answered: does the author hold the copyright without restriction; does the author retain publishing rights without restriction? There is a level of complexity in trying to illustrate this issue because there are 3 main variables that come into play:
- has the author transferred copyright?
- has a Creative Commons license being applied to the work and if so, which type?
- has a separate publishing agreement been signed with the publisher?
The second part is a list of examples from publishers who have open access programs. We will update this list with more examples as we find them, particularly those that have unique characteristics.
The last part is for those readers who want to get into more detail on this subject and is a list of recommended reading on this topic. Let us know if you have more!
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