uniko and FWF recommend support of the Directory of Open Access Journals | FWF - Science Fund, 06.17.2015 | APA-OTS

greboun's bookmarks 2015-06-17


uniko and FWF recommend support of the Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ enables free, quality-assured registration of scientific open access journals Vienna (OTS / FWF) - The Austrian University Conference (uniko) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) recommend research and funding institutions, as well as those responsible for research policy to support the "Directory of Open Access Journals" (DOAJ). For this purpose a joint letter of uniko and FWF was written and published now. DOAJ is a freely accessible, non-commercial database that organizes a quality-assured registration of scientific open access journals. DOAJ can naturally be supported not only by scientific organizations, but by all those who are interested, that scientific results are made freely available worldwide.



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06/17/2015, 04:41

Date published:

06/17/2015, 00:41