Why pay for articles in Nature (in Dutch) | Opinie | de Volkskrant
greboun's bookmarks 2015-11-02
OPINION LETTER: I plead for disrupting the unassailable position of Nature.
What added value does Nature provide to justify that we, the tax payers, have to pay Nature for a publication of research funded with our money,? Not a single one. Yet Nature has an unassailable position. Where did that come from? This comes from the editorial policy of Nature: almost every item offered is refused. Nature publishes only the cherry-picking.
open access
I plead to break this unassailable position of Nature; both science and society have no interest at all in the fact that knowledge disappears behind pay walls , even if it is temporary. This can be done by asking Nature to switch to an Open-access business model. This is possible by requesting of our researchers' to vote with their feet. "This is possible by weighing the value of Nature publications for the career of researchers wisely and not to assume quality blindly.
Nature does not fit into the policy of free access to research for everyone.