DOAJ Best Practice Guide – A list of resources on Open Access and its development

greboun's bookmarks 2017-12-19


DOAJ has just created a new web resource that provides selection criteria for the identification of reputable open access journals to support researchers, publishers and librarians in their search of best practice and transparency standards.This resource is an attempt to collect discussions about open access to publications and its development.


This is a work in progress, so we would be very happy if you could have a look and suggest new resources to be added!


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » greboun's bookmarks

Tags: oa.resource oa.doaj oa.open_science oa.best_practices oa.journals

Date tagged:

12/19/2017, 08:55

Date published:

12/19/2017, 03:55