This UKIP "We're Not Racist" Closet Is Absolutely Amazing

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-09-26


We went to UKIP’s Doncaster conference and you’ll never believe what happened next. Involves a small toy closet.

This is the utterly astonishing No Closet Racists cabinet creation at UKIP's annual conference in Doncaster.

The internet loved it when we posted this Vine earlier. So BuzzFeed News went along to talk to the closet's creator. The interview went a bit like this:

BuzzFeed News: Could I ask your name? Him: Herbert Crossman. But only sometimes! BuzzFeed News: Er, pardon? Him: Cross... Man! But only sometimes. CROSS. MAN. BuzzFeed News: ... Him: HA HA!

This is Crossman's creation. It cost him £10.

This is Crossman's creation. It cost him £10.

Jim Waterson / BuzzFeed

Why did you make this, Herbert?

"I pick up these ideas, me and Jeremy who work on it. UKIP has been made to look like idiots and clowns and jokes but we're not. We're serious people.

"I was looking for an idea. I found this in a charity shop and my neighbour made it up for me. I paid £10 for it and had the base made.

"These people have called us names when they should have been saving the country, getting us out of Europe, and working to save this great nation that we've got."

So there's no racists in the UKIP closet?

"There is nothing in the closet."

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09/26/2014, 14:23

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09/26/2014, 14:09