31 Things People Who Live In London Are Tired Of Hearing

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-09-26


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Your rent is how much?!

Your rent is how much?!

Yes, I know I'm being massively ripped off every month. I don't need you reminding me.


This drink is so expensive!

This drink is so expensive!

This is London, remember. All the things are expensive.


£20 for a round?!

£20 for a round?!

Just drink through the pain, yeah?


Have you tried [insert obscure burger bar here]? It's the best burger place in London.

Have you tried [insert obscure burger bar here]? It's the best burger place in London.

Better than the 500 other ones I've been told are the best?


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Date tagged:

09/26/2014, 23:01

Date published:

09/26/2014, 22:46