19 Secrets Autistic People Will Never Tell You

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-10-09


“We may hear your question but choose not to answer.” A writer with autism gives his perspective.

If you really want to really annoy us, compare us to Rain Man.

If you really want to really annoy us, compare us to Rain Man.

Although being a gambling mastermind would be awesome, that's not really how it works.

United Artists / giphy.com

It might look like we're being antisocial, but that doesn't mean you should ignore us.

It might look like we're being antisocial, but that doesn't mean you should ignore us.

All we need a little push into the right direction. If you always ignored the quiet people at parties, think how many great conversations you'd miss out on.

Red Granite / Via missguided.co.uk

Even though we hate loud noises, we love listening to other people's conversations.

Even though we hate loud noises, we love listening to other people's conversations.

We just hate shopping centres and busy train stations. But who doesn't?


The idea that we lack empathy is nothing more than a misconception.

The idea that we lack empathy is nothing more than a misconception.

It's a common myth that people diagnosed with autism can't relate to other people. But that doesn't apply to all of us. And plenty of people who aren't autistic lack empathy too.


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