22 Secrets The Nerdy Kid In Class Wouldn't Tell You

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-10-16


Shush, please. I can’t hear what the teacher is saying!

You found it incredibly frustrating when someone tried to cheat by copying your hard work.

You found it incredibly frustrating when someone tried to cheat by copying your hard work.

NBC / Via goodreads.com

You had an interesting study habit that you swore by.

You had an interesting study habit that you swore by.

Maybe you used incredibly detailed note cards, maybe you recorded everything your teacher said during lecture...

Via misadventuresofamisfit.com

People assumed you didn't have any other interests beyond the realm of academics.

People assumed you didn't have any other interests beyond the realm of academics.

ABC / Via giphy.com

You were always expected to begin a study group.

You were always expected to begin a study group.

Who wants to meet at my place on Friday night and study for Organic Chem?!

Cartoon Network / Via spsuadmissions.com

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10/16/2014, 15:16