Florida Governor Has Long, Rambling, Incoherent Response To Why He Wouldn't Debate Over A Fan

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-10-16


What is happening?

At the Florida gubernatorial debate last night, Republican Gov. Rick Scott refused to go stage for seven minutes because his opponent, former Gov. Charlie Crist, had an electronic fan under his podium to keep him cool, which was against the debate rules.

This is a real thing that happened.

When Scott was asked about why he refused to debate over a fan, Scott gave this answer:

"I waited to see if he–’til–we figured out if he was going to show up. He said he wasn’t gonna come to the–he said he wasn’t gonna come to the debate. So why come out until he’s ready?"




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Date tagged:

10/16/2014, 15:42

Date published:

10/16/2014, 15:14