13 Portraits Of Britain's Most Successful Senior Women

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-10-16


Nancy Honey’s 100 Leading Ladies project aims to “transform the perception of what is possible for women to achieve in their lives”.

In addition to being shot by acclaimed photographer Nancy Honey, each of the successful British women in the 100 Leading Ladies project was interviewed by former Times journalist Hattie Garlick, who asked them all the same questions: "How on earth did you manage it? What advice would you give to your younger self?"

Here is what 13 of Honey's 100 Leading Ladies had to say:

Wendy Dagworthy OBE – former dean of the School of Material at the Royal College of Art

Wendy Dagworthy OBE – former dean of the School of Material at the Royal College of Art

Nancy Honey

"I don't think fashion and feminism should be enemies. ... There's nothing anti-feminist about being able to make your own version of a Vogue pattern."

Professor Germaine Greer – feminist, academic, and journalist

Professor Germaine Greer – feminist, academic, and journalist

Nancy Honey

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