15 Problems Only Ghost Orbs Will Understand

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-10-16


*High-pitched wailing*

Your roommates always make you take the worst room in the house.

Your roommates always make you take the worst room in the house.

And how can you argue? You don't even have a mouth.

spectrefloat / Via Flickr: spectrefloat / Creative Commons

You're not very photogenic.

You're not very photogenic.

Wow, way to get your bad side.

slworking2 / Via Flickr: slworking / Creative Commons

Nobody ever talks to you at their parties.

Nobody ever talks to you at their parties.

Tannematica / Via Flickr: tannematica / Creative Commons

And when you throw your own, they tend to be pretty lifeless.

And when you throw your own, they tend to be pretty lifeless.

[silence, occasional creaking]

AlicePopkorn / Via Flickr: alicepopkorn / Creative Commons

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Date tagged:

10/16/2014, 18:12

Date published:

10/16/2014, 18:00