Non-Norwegians React To Norwegian Things

BuzzFeed - Latest 2015-07-04


Think soccer is too hard? Don’t worry! There’s always handball!

Kransekake: "Looks like fancy Eggo waffles."

Kransekake: "Looks like fancy Eggo waffles."

What do you think this is?

Crystal (LA): Waffle stack of glory, OBVIOUSLY. TBH though, I get heartburn just looking at it.

Hilary (UK): Is that.... a waffle tower? Oh my. Be still my beating heart. No wonder you put so many flags in it, you should be proud and patriotic about this beautiful, calorie filled treat.

Hayes (DC): Wait are this a tower of rice cakes? Is Norway super into health food and I didn't know about it?

Candice (LA): A patriotic waffle stack. I approve!

Adam (NY): I don't remember but I think they had to do something with this in an episode of The Amazing Race once.

Michelle (LA): That is an adorable tower of rice cakes that looks better than it actually tastes. Great for an Instagram pic tho.

Sarah (Canada): Looks like fancy Eggo waffles. I feel curious and hungry.

Scott (UK): Those flags muse be very sharp and uncomfortable to swallow.

Kransekake is basically almond cake rings with icing. Norwegians eat it for special occasions.

Flickr: gcbb

Hunderfossen troll: "Wow, Muppets are really creepy in Norway."

Hunderfossen troll: "Wow, Muppets are really creepy in Norway."

What's this?

Hayes (DC): Swamp Thing and the Yeti had a child and it is the worst.

Jenna (Sydney): Is this one of the old gods from Game of Thrones?

Crystal (LA): A reject from Where The Wild things Are. Not enough wild, too much nose.

Paul (UK): That's a fairytale thing isn't it — Old Wilty Dicknose. Comes to you at night if you forget to wash behind your ears.

Hilary (UK): Wow, Muppets are really creepy in Norway.

Ema (NY): Vaguely how I felt the morning after Pride.

Adam (NY): This is a nightmare. It makes me feel like I am in a nightmare.

Sarah K. (NY): A tree man thing. He should marry grandmother Willow.

Scott (UK): That tree is coming after us and everyone you love.

Norwegians love trolls. This one is located at a theme park in Lillehammer.

Flickr: hammershaug

Russ: "It's a sex convention for parachute jumpers."

What's going on here?

Hayes (DC): "Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. Have a seat, please."

Bibi (Mexico): It's a sex convention for parachute jumpers.

Candice (LA): Rabid Sex and the City Fan girls/women? Oh my... O_o

Michelle (NY): That's gotta be a bad reality TV show that I would probably watch.

Paul (UK): It's like ABBA and Sex and the City's tour buses got mixed up.

Scott (UK): Well everyone is THRILLED about INTERCOURSE.

Jenna (Sydney): Some kind of Sex and the City cheer squad/dance crew? They bust some sick moves while asking themselves existential questions and drinking Cosmos, I guess.

Hilary (UK): Why, it's a crazy outdoor sex car park party of course! I'd say that they're either students, skiers, or skiing students.

Ema (NY): In Norway, orgies are a sport.

Russ is when high school seniors wear ridiculous pants, pimp out a bus, and do crazy drunk stuff for weeks.

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Sheridan Watson

Date tagged:

07/04/2015, 14:04

Date published:

07/04/2015, 12:01