19 Truths For Non-Mormons Who Loved Growing Up In A Mormon Community

BuzzFeed - Latest 2016-01-27


“What! You’re not LDS???”

People regularly asked you if you were Mormon or what ward you belonged to.

People regularly asked you if you were Mormon or what ward you belonged to.

They were sometimes shocked when they discovered you weren't actually a member.

Via heckyeahreactiongifs.tumblr.com

You went to your fair share of stake dances, and although they may have been a tad awkward you thought they were a blast.

You went to your fair share of stake dances, and although they may have been a tad awkward you thought they were a blast.

It gave you the opportunity to learn how to slow dance. You were ALL about that.

Via gifbay.com

You were always jealous when your best friends went off to Young Women Camp or EFY.

You were always jealous when your best friends went off to Young Women Camp or EFY.

You were always invited though!

Via jam-doughnut.tumblr.com

You never saw R-rated movies, even after you turned 17, because none of your friends could go see them with you.

You never saw R-rated movies, even after you turned 17, because none of your friends could go see them with you.

And, let's be real, you weren't really dying to go see an R-rated film with your parents.

filmratings.com / Via logodatabase.net

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Brittney Gibson

Date tagged:

01/27/2016, 06:31

Date published:

01/27/2016, 06:20