What's The Most Underwhelming Celebrity Encounter You've Ever Had?

BuzzFeed - Latest 2016-01-27


Seriously, the less remarkable the better.

Everyone dreams of one day meeting a celebrity.

Everyone dreams of one day meeting a celebrity.


In your head the encounter will be filled with rainbows, sparkles, and all kinds of magical things. In reality, you'll probably just spot a celeb out on their morning jog.

In your head the encounter will be filled with rainbows, sparkles, and all kinds of magical things. In reality, you'll probably just spot a celeb out on their morning jog.


Maybe one day you were queuing for coffee behind Hank from Breaking Bad.

Instagram: @kdubshel

Or maybe you met a B-list celebrity chef while you're shopping for picture hooks and in desperate need of a haircut.

Instagram: @jamiedmj

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Jamie Jones

Date tagged:

01/27/2016, 07:01

Date published:

01/27/2016, 06:42