09/21/16-09/22/16: Designs on eLearning conference 2016

acmateescu's bookmarks 2016-03-15


Designs on eLearning conference, New York. 21 - 22 September 2016

Keynote speakers: George Siemens and Audrey Watters

Designs on eLearning (DeL) is an international conference exploring the use of technology in art and design Higher Education. As digital technologies continue to transform the creative and pedagogic landscape, we face exciting possibilities and new challenges for the future of education. Themed Anxiety and Security, DeL 2016 aims to explore digital anxieties in art and design higher education, and collectively build ideas for reaching states of security and wellbeing. 



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Date tagged:

03/15/2016, 16:24

Date published:

03/15/2016, 12:24