05/20/16: Event Calendar - Santa Clara University / May 20, 2016

acmateescu's bookmarks 2016-04-07


Shannon Vallor, chair of SCU’s Philosophy department and president of the international Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT), discusses the moral skills and virtues that humans will need in order to wisely manage the risks and opportunities presented by today’s emerging technologies From robotics and artificial intelligence to social media and biomedical enhancement, emerging technologies are rapidly and profoundly reshaping how humans live, work, and connect with others. What will these changes mean for the human family, and what can we do to prepare ourselves? In answering those questions, Vallor will draw from her forthcoming book, Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting.



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Date tagged:

04/07/2016, 16:43

Date published:

04/07/2016, 19:19