11/19/16: Workshop on Data and Algorithmic Transparency
acmateescu's bookmarks 2016-08-10
Complete Paper Submissions Due: September 9, 2016, 11:59:59PM EDT Notification to Authors: October 7, 2016 Camera-Ready Papers Due: October 28, 2016
The Workshop on Data and Algorithmic Transparency (DAT'16) is being organized as a forum for academics, industry practicioners, regulators, and policy makers to come together and discuss issues related to increasing role that "big data" algorithms play in our society. Our goal is to provide a venue for fruitful discussions and high-quality academic research papers focused on increasing understanding and transparency of large-scale data collection and the systems and algorithms that it powers. The workshop is co-located with two other highly related venues: the Data Transparency Lab Conference and the FATML'16 Workshop, and we encourage attendees to consider attending these other events as well.