05/17/16-05/19/16: Tilburg University - Conference TILTing Perspectives 2017: 'Regulating a connected world'

acmateescu's bookmarks 2016-10-07


17-19 May 2017, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands


The conference

TILTing 2017 brings together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and civil society at the intersection of law and regulation, technology, and society to share insights, exchange ideas and formulate, discuss and suggest answers to contemporary challenges related to technological innovation. The conference will include plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and panel discussions with invited speakers, as well as presentations from respondents to this call for papers. 

The conference features five large tracks: Privacy, Health, Intellectual property, Data Science, and PLSC Europe. But within the context of these general tracks, we are adopting an open and bottom-up organizational strategy: it is up to you (the participants) to determine what happens at the conference and how. With that in mind, we invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and others, to propose papers, workshops, panels, mini-symposia and the like, both within and in addition to the large tracks. If you have an idea and would like to check whether it fits the open theme of the conference, feel free to contact 



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Date tagged:

10/07/2016, 10:12

Date published:

10/07/2016, 06:12