The European Union’s Emerging Approach to Content Regulation | by Jason Pielemeier | The GNI Blog | Jul, 2020 | Medium

amarashar's bookmarks 2020-07-23


In parallel, the Commission has published “inception impact assessments” outlining issues facing the European digital single market that the DSA should address, and opened a public consultation on the DSA. The Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG Connect) will use both Parliamentary and public input to draft legislation, which it hopes to send to the Parliament and the European Council later this year or early next year. This will kick-off the so-called “trilogue process” of negotiations, by which these three key entities will seek to finalize and approve a final product in 2021.


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Date tagged:

07/23/2020, 13:18

Date published:

07/23/2020, 09:18