Could Open Research benefit Cambridge University researchers?

lkfitz's bookmarks 2016-07-26


"Since its inception in January 2015, the Office of Scholarly Communication has largely focused on providing services to researchers around open access for publications and research data management and sharing. This was born out of necessity to comply with funder requirements. However, should the University be doing more than merely ensuring compliance with funders’ policies? Should it focus more on the bigger picture: what are the benefits of open access? And perhaps we should start thinking about “Open Research” as a whole and making sure that we encourage transparency and sharing across the whole research process. "


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.u.cambridge oa.universities oa.reports oa.compliance oa.funders oa.discussions oa.mandates oa.notes oa.obstacles oa.impact oa.metrics oa.publishers oa.reproducibility oa.reuse oa.preprints oa.ecr oa.rdm oa.repositories oa.hei oa.versions oa.policies

Date tagged:

07/26/2016, 17:42

Date published:

07/26/2016, 13:42