Students report high engagement with OER materials | Education Dive

lkfitz's bookmarks 2017-06-30


"OER usage looks likely to triple within the next five years, with a survey from September indicating a jump in faculty members utilizing OER as their primary resources jumping from 4% to 12% in that time. There are cost benefits for institutions, which may be able to attract applicants wary of onerous student debt by the lower cost per class. However, faculty members do report that it takes more time to prepare a class using OER materials as opposed to personalized materials, which will be a greater investment from staff."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.oer oa.benefits oa.growth oa.attitudes oa.obstacles oa.surveys

Date tagged:

06/30/2017, 11:23

Date published:

06/30/2017, 07:23