Guest Post: Challenges for Academics in the Global South - Resource Constraints, Institutional Issues, and Infrastructural Problems - The Scholarly Kitchen

lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-08-17


"The problem of value is also manifested in costs: our universities cannot afford to pay for subscriptions in currencies such as the US and Canadian dollars, Euros, or British pounds sterling because currencies from and of the Global South are weak. For example, 1 USD = PKR 123 as of August 7, 2018. This is one reason why the availability of books and journals as open access is so important for so many researchers. However, open access is not the rule in globalized academic institutions (including university presses), and it can also be an expensive and difficult model even for academics in the Global North to implement and maintain. Furthermore, open access as an approach does not in and of itself solve all issues of access, authority, and resources for research. As the recent case of HAU shows, open access as a model does not guarantee the transformation of toxic formations of power in academic research and publication both for marginalized scholars in the Global North and scholars in the Global South."


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Tags: oa.south oa.obstacles oa.access oa.disciplines oa.ssh oa.prices oa.north oa.libraries

Date tagged:

08/17/2018, 09:20

Date published:

08/17/2018, 05:20