Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide part 2
lkfitz's bookmarks 2012-07-12
“Following on from Part 1, let’s begin to talk about the technological side of starting an OA journal. There are several components to the system that all need to come together. The timescales for ensuring this happens are different, but here’s some descriptions and estimates on the different components. [1] Open Journal SystemsOJS is a free, open source platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project that is designed to get you off the ground quickly... [2] ISSN number To get an ISSN number, which is crucial for your journal (and is also free of charge!), you need to apply to the relevant ISSN provider for your country... [3] DOI numbers ...Right, this is where it can get a bit complicated. DOI (Document Object Identification/Identifier) numbers are part of a system that ensures that articles are permanently active. Let’s take an example. The following is a DOI resolver URL: The number is composed of a prefix (10.7766), which is my publisher prefix, and a suffix (orbit.v1.1.38). Together these form a unique string that identify the article Eve, Martin, Samuel Thomas, Doug Haynes, & Simon de Bourcier. ‘Preface.’ Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon[Online], 1.1 (2012): n. pag. Web. 10 Jul. 2012... CrossRef, the registration organisation for DOIs on scholarly or research material, have various levels of fees. The reason for this is, once again, that they need ways to force publishers to keep their links up-to-date and to deposit material. Financial sanctions have proved the most effective way of doing this. However, for the journal that is attempting to evade the fee-paying structures of commercial OA enterprises, this is little consolation. Never fear. The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association has a deal with CrossRef for scholar-publisher members (that’s you, as an individual) that means that the OASPA will allow you to get a DOI prefix and assign up to 50 DOIs inclusive of their membership fee, which is a much more reasonable 75 euros. In my case, because I hadn’t started the journal at that point, I was signed up as a non-voting member of OASPA, but this certainly helped. [4] CLOCKSS ... Based upon the LOCKSS system, CLOCKSS stands for Controlled Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe. The principle here is that your articles are stored on multiple servers, spread across the globe. In the event of a trigger, CLOCKSS will release the material. Again, there’s a fee ($200/year)...”
08/16/2012, 11:32From feeds:
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