Core Architecture and Design Issues of Collaborative Tagging Applications

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-06-15


Collaborative social tagging applications like Flickr, and Technorathi have gained popularity among people in very less time. The main reason is the sharing and giving metadata in the form of tags using user own vocabulary. There are two major benefits of user assigned tags one is it enhances the understandability of the recourses and secondly it is used for search and retrieval. This paper gives review of the architectural and design aspects of collaborative tagging systems. We have divided our paper to cover and focus on analysis of three aspects namely design decisions, candidate solutions and available relevant technologies. Our paper will be beneficial for researchers, designers and developers of collaborative tagging applications


From feeds:

Interoperable Tagosphere, Open Access & TagTeam ยป juschuetze's bookmarks


collaborative tagging social tagging folksonomy issues with tagging flickr delicious technorathi tagging systems

Date tagged:

06/15/2016, 13:52

Date published:

06/15/2016, 09:52