3 tips on improving chatbot retention | VentureBeat | Bots | by Stefan Kojouharov

Pinboard (thomwithoutanh) 2017-01-19


Chatbot retention has been a real problem. It’s so poor that most people don’t even get past the first two messages. According to İlker Köksal, the CEO of BotAnalytics, the initial drop-off is huge: “About 40 percent of users never get past the first text, and another 25 percent drop off after the second message. Daily retention rate is at a paltry 1–2 percent, and the monthly retention rate for bots isn’t much better, sitting at about 7 percent.” Fortunately, after hacking for the better part of 6 months, a few bots — such as the weather bot Poncho — have found the light and are seeing awesome retention and engagement rat



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Messaging Apps » Pinboard (thomwithoutanh)
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Date tagged:

01/19/2017, 10:43

Date published:

01/12/2017, 05:48