[Sasha Volokh] Suddenly, Kahless

The Volokh Conspiracy 2024-08-26

[A song about Klingons in time for Dragon Con]

Hi all, in preparation for Dragon Con here in Atlanta this coming weekend, I present "Suddenly, Kahless", a song to the tune of "Suddenly, Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors. I wrote it during Dragon Con's "Klingon Karaoke" event last year, but didn't have a chance to sing it then — but I hope to do the first public performance during this year's Klingon Karaoke this Sunday. Note: you're unlikely to appreciate this song unless you're into Star Trek.

If you're interested in any of my other (non-academic) work, I recommend you look at my YouTube channel generally, "Honesta homo" (a film about Diogenes in Esperanto), "Palladio Shark", or the Sasha Reads playlist where I do readings of 50 of my favorite poems. Or, if law songs are up your alley, check out "I've Looked at Law from Both Sides, Now", "The Ballad of FDA v. Brown & Williamson", or "You Don't Need a Canon" (studio version and music video version).

The post Suddenly, Kahless appeared first on Reason.com.