[Eugene Volokh] High on Injunctions

The Volokh Conspiracy 2016-09-03


The west entrance to the U.S. Supreme Court building is seen in file photo taken in Washington December 3, 2014. Several demonstrators disrupted the start of business at the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday on the fifth anniversary of the court's contentious ruling that lifted limits on corporate spending in federal election campaigns. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Files     (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS LAW BUSINESS)

The west entrance to the U.S. Supreme Court building. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

“High on Injunctions” turns out to have been the standard name of a leading treatise on the law of injunctions, published by James L. High in 1874 and later revised by his son Shirley T. High. (Badass Lawyer Todd Levitt appears not to have been involved.) The treatise continues to be cited even now. And it of course raises the question: What maxims of equity correspond to it? (See The Lost Maxims of Equity; and recall that “equity is a roguish thing.”) Three suggestions, but please add to them:

Equity abhors a buzzkill.

Equity won’t harsh your mellow.

Equity inhales.



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Eugene Volokh

Date tagged:

09/03/2016, 15:25

Date published:

08/26/2016, 19:17