[Ilya Somin] My upcoming speaking engagements

The Volokh Conspiracy 2016-09-18


For readers who may be interested, here is my schedule of speaking engagements over the next three months. All of these events are open to the public, unless otherwise noted. If you can attend one or more of these events, please come up and introduce yourself. I am always happy to meet Volokh Conspiracy readers!

September 14, noon to 1 PM, George Mason University, Scalia Law School, Arlington, VA: Debate on executive power over immigration, and United States v. Texas (with Prof. Josh Blackman). I outlined my views on this issue here.

Sept. 15, 2:15-3:30 PM, Cato Constitution Day, Cato Institute, Washington, DC: Panel on property rights. I will be speaking on the Supreme Court’s recent decision in US Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes, and on the future of constitutional property rights more generally.

Sept. 16, 12:10-1:30, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, Room 120: Debate On Abuses of Executive Power over national security and foreign affairs. With Faiza Patel, Christopher Schroeder, and Nathan Sales Sponsored by the Yale American Constitution Society and the Yale Federalist Society.

Sept. 20, 11:30 AM-12:50 PM, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA: “Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter” (based on the much-expanded new edition of my book, of the same title). Sponsored by the UVA Federalist Society. With commentary by University of Virginia Prof. Daniel Ortiz.

Oct. 13, 12-1 PM (tentative time), University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, Denver, CO: “Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter.” Sponsored by the University of Denver Federalist Society.

Oct. 21, 9-10:15 AM, 13th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands: Panel on “Eminent Domain and Expropriation as Wealth Redistribution Tools.” With James Burling, Prof. James Ely, and Prof. Alexandra Klass.

Oct. 27, 12-1 PM, DePaul Law School, Chicago, IL: “The Free Market, Conservative Case for Open Borders Immigration.” Sponsored by the DePaul Federalist Society

Oct. 27, 5-6:15 PM, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL: “Fisher v. Texas and the Future of Affirmative Action.” I wrote about the Fisher II decision here. Sponsored by the John Marshall Federalist Society.

Oct. 28, noon-1:15, Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL: “The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain.” Based on my book of the same title.

November 1, 5:30-7:15 PM, Connecticut Supreme Court Historical Society, Hartford Club, Hartford, CT: “Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter” (based on the much-expanded new edition of my book, of the same title).

November 19, 11 AM-12:30 PM, Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Washington, DC: Panel on “Justice Scalia’s Property Rights Jurisprudence.” With Prof. John Echeverria (U of Vermont), Prof. James Ely (Vanderbilt), and Prof. Roderick Hills (NYU). I wrote about Justice Scalia’s property rights jurisprudence here. This event requires paid registration, though it is free to members of the media.

Nov. 22, 3:30-5:30 PM, Georgetown University Law Center, Constitutional Law Colloquium on Recent Books on the Constitution: “The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain.” Based on



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Ilya Somin

Date tagged:

09/18/2016, 06:39

Date published:

09/13/2016, 17:26