[Eugene Kontorovich] New book: ‘Economic Analysis of International Law’
The Volokh Conspiracy 2016-09-18
I am happy to announce the publication of my new book, “Economic Analysis of International Law,” published by Edward Elgar. The book is an edited collection (co-edited by Prof. Francesco Parisi) of essays by leading scholars who draw on the insights of law and economics and rational choice theories more broadly, and bring them to bear on public international law.
There are perhaps few fields in the legal academy with as much philosophical and social space between them as public international law and law and economics. This volume attempts to bridge the gap (albeit in one direction, using rational choice methods to understand international law issues better).
Here is the summary of the book from its jacket:
Through original and incisive contributions from leading scholars, this book applies economics and other rational choice methods to an understanding of public international law, providing a bird’s eye view of some of its most fundamental elements from the perspective of economics.
The chapters cover a range of topics, beginning with the building blocks of the nation state and continuing with the sources and the enforcement of international law and its various applications and extensions. The application of economic analysis to public international law is still in its formative stages and Economic Analysis of International Law provides a useful overview, as well as setting directions for new research.
This volume provides a path through recent literature while identifying new areas and issues for research, making it an invaluable resource for scholars of public international law.
I would like to thank all the contributors for their essays.