[Eugene Volokh] Many thanks to Giles Miller of Lynx Insights & Investigations

The Volokh Conspiracy 2016-10-26


I just wanted to thank Giles Miller of Lynx Insights & Investigations very much for all his help with research on Paul Alan Levy’s and my post about questionable Internet takedown cases.

I was introduced to Giles by a friend of mine who used to be a federal prosecutor and an executive at a top corporate investigation company. My friend, who does not praise lightly, had nothing but praise for Giles and for Lynx, which does comprehensive investigations on the Web, on social media, in databases and in public records (as well as doing interviewing and other investigation work). I tapped only a small part of Giles’s skill set, but it was invaluable to giving me confidence that what we wrote was accurate.



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Eugene Volokh

Date tagged:

10/26/2016, 19:29

Date published:

10/10/2016, 14:17