[Orin Kerr] The 2016 votes of the Volokh bloggers (or at least half of us)
The Volokh Conspiracy 2016-11-13
Several of us Volokh Conspiracy bloggers have revealed our votes in the presidential race. Not all of us have, however, and I thought readers might be interested to know the votes of the rest of the group. I set up an an anonymous online poll, and I invited my co-bloggers to indicate their votes. Of the twenty-two bloggers here, exactly half responded. Here are the votes of the eleven who responded:
Donald Trump: 1 Hillary Clinton: 5 Gary Johnson: 4 Other*: 1 (explained as a likely vote for Evan McMullin) Not voting: 0
I don’t know which bloggers voted for which candidate, or which bloggers didn’t vote at all, other than my own vote. But I thought readers might be interested nonetheless.