[Eugene Volokh] ‘How wirelessly to hack': Split that infinitive

The Volokh Conspiracy 2017-01-11


Geoffrey Pullum (Language Log) has long railed against the no-split-infinitives demand; his latest focuses on this passage from the militantly anti-split-infinitive Economist:

At a computer-security conference in 2015, researchers demonstrated how wirelessly to hack a car made by Jeep ….

I’m with Pullum here: “how wirelessly to hack” sounds far worse to me than “how to wirelessly hack.” There’s no justification for any supposed “rule” against split infinitives in English, and examples such as this show that refusing to split the infinitive will often distract, confuse or annoy more people than splitting would.



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Eugene Volokh

Date tagged:

01/11/2017, 10:21

Date published:

01/02/2017, 09:35