[Ilya Somin] Upcoming Speaking Engagements

The Volokh Conspiracy 2021-09-25

Public speaking

[My upcoming speaking engagements through the end of the year. Most are free and open to the public, and in-person!]

I have been lax about posting my upcoming speaking engagements this semester. As a result, I omitted to announce several that have already happened, including an Ilya vs. Ilya debate on immigration and the Constitution, with Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute.

Thanks to a jam-packed teaching schedule, I also have fewer talks this semester than in most others. Nonetheless, there are several events coming up, and most of them are in person! Indeed, all events listed below are in-person, unless otherwise noted.

Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public.  But those at universities are subject to their rules about on-campus access during the Covid pandemic. Those rules vary and may change over time. You may wish to contact the university in question to ask about details on that front.

I will add additional events and information to this post, over time. In the meantime if your university, think tank, research institute or other similar organization would like to invite me to speak (either virtually or in person), I am open for business; particularly for the spring 2021 semester, when I will have a much more flexible schedule.

Several of the talks below are about my recent book Free to Move (the Introduction, which includes an overview of the rest of the book, is available for free download here). But I'm more than happy to speak about other topics within my areas of expertise, as well, including federalism, property rights, political knowledge, democratic theory, and others. For a more complete list of my areas of expertise and publications, see my website.

September 28, 1-2:30 PM: "Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid and the Future of the Takings Clause: Physical Occupation, Eviction Moratoria, and More." William and Mary Law School (sponsored by the William and Mary Federalist Society), Williamsburg, VA. Virtual event. Free zoom link and additional details here.

October 21, time TBA: "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom," Schwarten Foundations of Freedom annual lecture. University of Portland, Portland, OR.

November 18, time TBA, but probably around noon: "No More Travel Bans: Ending Constitutional Double Standards on Immigration Law," Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Sponsored by the Yale Law School Federalist Society (tentative title).

November 29, time and exact date TBA: "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom," panel on immigration, "Wall to Wall Colloquium," Guadalajara International Book Fair, Guadalajara, Mexico. This panel will also include famed political theorist Chandran Kukathas, author of Immigration and Freedom. This will be my first international trip since the pandemic, and my first-ever talk in Mexico.

December 8, time TBA (tentative date): debate on vaccination mandates (with Angela A. McArdle), Soho Forum, New York City, NY.