Genius, Gratitude, and the Patent System
Patent – Patently-O 2024-11-28
I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving 2024 from Columbia, Missouri. While I write about inventors and inventions daily, I rarely pause to express gratitude for their profound contributions to our lives. Though patent law often dwells on technical minutiae and legal boundaries, today I want to recognize the remarkable human elements that drive innovation forward. Thank you!
I extend special thanks to the innovators who purposefully work to transform our society in a positive direction; to those who bring forth new knowledge and understanding from the ether; and to those who dedicate their creative energies to solving humanity’s most pressing challenges. Their work transcends mere technological advancement to serve higher purposes. The patent system’s genius lies in how it channels individual creativity toward collective benefit—promoting the progress of science and useful arts.
I have found inspiration in mythologist Michael Meade’s perspective on genius. Rather than viewing it as the exclusive domain of celebrated inventors, Meade, drawing from ancient philosophy, suggests that each person carries within them an innate genius—a unique gift waiting to unfold. Finding and expressing one’s genius becomes an act of self-discovery, akin to finding one’s dharma or true calling. When uncovered, this genius enables individuals to contribute meaningfully to society.