Two Decades and Counting: The Never-Ending Section 101 Battle Over Financial Analytics

Patent – Patently-O 2024-11-29


Application No. 10/028,284, filed in December 2001, provides a fascinating window into the evolution of patent eligibility jurisprudence. This application – assigned to GE Financial and prosecuted by folks at Hunton and Williams – is still pending 23 years after its original filing date. Filed pre-Bilski and still pending post-Alice, the application claims a “waterfall tool” that analyzes financial product pricing by tracking how actual revenue “cascades down” from list price through various deductions (like underwriting errors, discounts, commissions, and bonuses) to arrive at the final “pocket price.”

The system integrates data from multiple sources, including actuarial, commission, and bonus systems, to identify and manage “revenue leaks” in financial products like insurance policies. The tool specifically measures metrics like underwriting error rates and premium leakages (caused by risk reclassification), and implements automated control plans when metrics hit predetermined trigger levels. I expect that in the decades since it was filed, these methods have become widely used in the industry.

Why is the application still pending?: This is one of the rare cases that folks complaining about the patent system can point to regarding zombie patent applications.

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Dennis Crouch

Date tagged:

11/29/2024, 12:53

Date published:

11/29/2024, 00:44