Arthrex applies to: “All agency actions rendered by those [unconstitutionally appointed] APJs”

Patent – Patently-O 2020-05-13


Virnetx Inc. v. Cisco Systems and USPTO (intervenor) (Fed. Cir. 2020)

In Virnetx, the Federal Circuit issued a non-precedential decision remanding and vacating the PTO decision in light of Arthrex (unconstitutionally appointed PTAB judges cannot cancel a patent).  One difference between this case and artrex is that the Virnetx patents were cancelled via pre-AIA inter partes reexamination rather than inter partes review.  The court found the difference meaningless:

Although this appeal arises out of an inter partes reexamination and not an inter partes review as was at issue in Arthrex, we see no material difference in the relevant analysis. We therefore grant VirnetX’s motion.

Slip Op. (Opinion by Judge O’Malley and joined by Judges Moore and Chen). [VirnetxArthrexI].

The PTO immediately filed a petition for panel rehearing and rehearing en banc.  Those petitions have now been denied. However, the original panel has expanded upon its original opinion in with further justification.

The PTO’s particular contention goes as follows: PTAB judges may be acting as principal officers when ruling over AIA trials, but they are not so high-and-mighty when hearing an inter partes reexamination appeal (or presumably an ex parte appeal from a patent applicant).

Continue reading Arthrex applies to: “All agency actions rendered by those [unconstitutionally appointed] APJs” at Patently-O.


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Dennis Crouch

Date tagged:

05/13/2020, 12:26

Date published:

05/13/2020, 11:57