Recycled posts: It’s not you, it’s me
Not long ago I got an email from a very well-known blogger who, I was very pleased to learn, is a regular reader of LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION®, wondering why his RSS feed — which is how he reads the blog — kept coughing up old posts.
I explained to him that it’s because I recycle old posts, as I explained at length in this one. But I had not realized that the disclosure that a post is being re-used which appears on the web version of the blog (see exemplar) does not show up in syndication, or at least it doesn’t appear in all RSS readers.
This is regrettable, but there’s not much I can do, at least not that I’m aware of. So this notice and reminder of the fact is coming to you by way of a blog post, which is something I can do. Though come to think of it I don’t seem to it so much any more. But, you know, blogging is hard!