Justice Eludes 298 Killed in the Shoot-Down of Malaysia Air Flight 17

Of Interest 2017-07-11



United States
See map: Google Maps
Date published: 
July 7, 2017

"“They’ve got to keep the public pressure on because that is what finally made the Lockerbie case move forward—this glaring impunity,” said Beth Van Schaack, a professor at Stanford Law School and a former State Department official who has blogged about the MH17 case. “People kept the fight alive, and eventually they were able to take the case forward.” Justice in the aircraft incident, she said, “is a 10-year process, not a two-year process.”"



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CLS / ROC » Of Interest



Center for Internet and Society

Date tagged:

07/11/2017, 03:07

Date published:

07/07/2017, 03:00