Machines Learning to Find Injustice -Featuring Ryan Copus, HLS Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law

Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Audio Fishbowl 2021-11-10


Predictive algorithms can often outperform humans in making legal decisions. But when used to automate or guide decisions, predictions can embed biases, conflict with a "right to explanation," and be manipulated by litigants. HLS Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law Ryan Copus suggests we should instead use predictive algorithms to identify unjust decisions and subject them to secondary review.For more info about this event visit:


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CLS / ROC » Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Audio Fishbowl


Authors: (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University)

Date tagged:

11/10/2021, 23:26

Date published:

04/04/2019, 15:27