The Things of the Internet

Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Audio Fishbowl 2021-11-10


As the internet connects makers, manufacturers and shippers across supply chains, a new form of producing and distributing global objects is arising, one that relies more on bottom up networks than top down oversight. When you look carefully, you see the signs of them: in the US, they might be t-shirts with hashtags on them, pussyhats at marches, and creative protest signs, and in Shenzhen, China, we see a plethora of hardware objects, such as selfie sticks, hoverboards and e-cigarettes, that rapidly reach global markets. What sorts of objects do new forms of hardware culture enable, and what role does the internet now play in all steps along the way, from ideation to sales to manufacturing to shipping? How might we now incorporate physical objects into our notions of internet memes? And what does this suggest about the future of object culture more generally?For more about this event, visit:


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CLS / ROC ยป Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Audio Fishbowl


Authors: (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University)

Date tagged:

11/10/2021, 23:26

Date published:

04/22/2017, 13:25