For Gaza, Tech and Communication Tools Work Hand-in-Hand | Internews
ERResearch's bookmarks 2016-08-08
Internews' Gaza Humanitarian Information Service project is providing affected communities in Gaza with reliable, verified and timely information that can support them in making better-informed decisions. To do so, Internews used an already proved and tested approach that is based on a number of components and communication channels (see Gaza HIS Fact Sheet). On the technology side this is called an Integrated Information System – a system that relies on different technological tools specifically chosen on the basis of information needs, targeted audience and technology access. Radio. The most important tool used to provide information – or better, "news-you-can-use" – to the population in Gaza, is radio. A one-hour daily program called Jossor ma'Gaza (Bridges with Gaza) is broadcast every day in both the West Bank and Gaza by nine radio stations. The headlines are picked up by Palestine TV. Facebook. Facebook is widely used in Palestine, especially by young people. A preliminary assessment of how Gazans are using it showed that the conversation is very polarized and very political, while at the same time lacking valuable information about aid delivery. For this reason Internews created a Facebook page specifically aimed at providing people with actionable information and news about the services provided in the Gaza Strip. YouTube. To reach a broader audience and allow people to download and re-use the radio program audio files, Internews created a YouTube Channel where the audio is uploaded daily in a video format. SMS. In collaboration with Souktel, Internews created a citizen feedback mechanism. The SMS system is used mainly to receive questions from the local population on services provided and to gather feedback on humanitarian aid. The SMS channel has two short codes for the two mobile providers covering both the West Bank and Gaza, and it is managed through an online portal. For every SMS coming in there is an SMS going out with a thank you message.