โ€‹ Under a Strong Privacy Law, the ACCESS Act Promises a Vibrant, Decentralized Web

Lumen Database Blog 2021-07-09


In June, US House lawmakers released a package of bills that intend to curb the monopolies of Big Tech platforms. The bills, although not yet finalized for a House Floor vote, are pioneering in scope and depth; the regulations seek to stimulate competition among digital platforms through bans on behavior such as self-preferencing and leveraging market power over several business lines. From the perspective of user experience, one act in particular has exciting, transformative potential: the ACCESS Act. The linchpin of the ACCESS Act is mandating interoperability among large online platforms.



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Gina Markov

Date tagged:

07/09/2021, 19:46

Date published:

07/09/2021, 17:13