Advanced Search now available in Paperity

Paperity's bookmarks 2016-10-06


Paperity, the first multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers indexing over 1 million articles, has released today an Advanced Search feature to help readers find relevant literature and follow new publications on a given subject.

The Advanced Search supports many types of constraints: search by keyword, journal, ISSN, DOI, language of the paper, geographical location, article length, publication date, author affiliations. It provides faceting and generates RSS/Atom feeds on arbitrary search queries, making it possible to follow new publications that match a given query, or follow new articles in a given journal ("ToC feeds"). Paperity indexes now 30% of newly published Gold / Hybrid OA articles, and the Advanced Search feature will greatly improve their discoverability and boost their readership.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Paperity's bookmarks



Date tagged:

10/06/2016, 17:46

Date published:

10/06/2016, 13:46