A Taxonomy of University Presses Today | The Scholarly Kitchen

lterrat's bookmarks 2016-10-21


"There is an effort afoot in the university press and higher education communities to transition humanities monographs to open access, which to some is a vital element of repositioning humanities fields to take a more public role. Ithaka S+R colleagues have played a role in developing cost estimates for monograph publishing, several presses have led subvention modeling, and others have reflected thoughtfully on the broader transformations in business models that a shift to open should be expected to yield. While costs and business models are essential, they are not the only puzzle pieces. Project Muse’s recent announcement about supporting open access book publishing indicates that some important infrastructure is coming online to support these directions. Costs, business models, and infrastructure are vital."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks



Date tagged:

10/21/2016, 16:20

Date published:

10/21/2016, 17:47