Öppna Data Meetup #3 – Let’s innovate about “Bosättningsla­gen” with Open Data! – Open Knowledge Sweden

lterrat's bookmarks 2016-12-01


"The new Swedish law, 'Bosättningslagen', obligates Swedish municipalities to arrange a living for those refugees who now may stay in Sweden. Many solutions that have been presented are quite expensive and drastic for many municipalities, but some may be cost efficient options.

The two topics (that I suggest) for this meetup are:

  1. What relation does this kind of Spending for different kinds of solutions have for our Swedish municipalities, in comparison to other costs?
  2. How can Open data and innovation help out here? Let’s share ideas about that, and possibly make a constructive plan forward for cost efficient solutions."



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Date tagged:

12/01/2016, 17:09

Date published:

12/01/2016, 12:09