Registration open for EUA Webinar on Open Science in Universities

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-03-05


"EUA will hold a webinar on 29 March on 'Open Science in Universities: Implications for research and for doctoral education.' The deadline to register is 24 March.

Open Science is changing the way research is produced, accessed and utilised, and new and diversified ways of scientific exchange and cooperation are constantly emerging. The webinar will reflect on the major milestones of EUA’s Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science, such as the EUA Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications, and its ongoing efforts for a smooth transition to Open Science. Participants will also discuss the integration of Open Science in doctoral programmes, with a special presentation from the University of Liege. Further insight into the practical aspects will be provided by a doctoral candidate.  Registration for the webinar is free of charge. It will take place from 14.00 to 15.00 CET."



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03/05/2017, 16:53

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03/05/2017, 11:53