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lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-30


From Google Translate: "Research financed with tax money should be freely accessible to everyone. That is the core of the National Plan Open Science. Today, scientists gathered from all disciplines in Delft to discuss this plan.

One of the advocates of this plan is Aske Plate, Data Science professor at Leiden University. 'We used to printing, when you got publishers pooled scientific articles and sold to libraries. Today, it works differently and you have the internet. '

Many scientists do regulate themselves, so publishers according plate unnecessary. 'Scientists are often paid with tax money and then pay the university thousands of euros to publishers for a scientific journal, that's just not this time.'

There is already a lot of Open Science. According Plate is closed half the publications. 'It is also due to the art. But there are still magazines like Science and Nature that every scientist wants to get into. Open platforms are emerging. That should get some build their name. But a decade Science and Nature will probably no longer exist. Everyone should soon be able to just that information.'"



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

05/30/2017, 20:49

Date published:

05/30/2017, 16:49